Thursday, January 31, 2013

Journal # 3

I believe that all children are different, in their own way, and deserve a warm and welcoming environment in which they can feel comfortable and safe. I will help the children exceed to their full potential and I will never stop believing in them. I will guide the children to make the best out of life and to always keep going forward, even when times are tough. I believe that it is important to have a classroom built on respect and kindness for all.

Teaching my students to love and respect one another is a priority.  Building my classroom around this will help my students care for one another.  No child should ever feel uncomfortable or out of place in my class. I believe that every child belongs, regardless of their skin color, culture, and background. I know that every child is different and experience different lifestyles when they leave the classroom, but, I want my children to all have that one safe zone place. 

Equality is very important as well and I want all of my students to feel accepted. I will develop my lessons to help incorporate every child’s needs and interests. I want all of my students to be able to succeed, and I want them to feel comfortable in their own skin. Learning about the diversity in my classroom is something I will succeed at doing. Every child needs to see that their teacher cares about them. This will help to motivate the students to reach their full potential and it will help me to become an effective teacher.  I want them to know that I will always be there for them.

Helping my students reach their full potential and guiding them to become successful in life is what I will strive to accomplish. I will work my hardest to help every child achieve his or her goal no matter how hard of an obstacle he/she has to overcome. I will help my students strive to be the best they can. My students are my number one priority, and being able to help them and cater to them will help me to become an effective teacher. I will also allow my students to have a voice in my classroom so that they know that it isn’t all about me. I will have the children create the classroom rules, and I will allow for them to call the shots, when appropriate.

I want my students to benefit from their education. I want them all to succeed and grow into something amazing. I want my students to love and enjoy being in the classroom setting and I want them to be able to receive the best education they possibly can. I want them to enjoy learning and cherish their school days. More importantly I want to leave an impression on my students and be a positive influence in their lives.

I will do everything in my power to make my classroom a warm, welcoming, safe zone for all children. I will be open to change and welcoming to my students and peers.  I will help my students grow and perspire into something beautiful and strong. I will help to make everyone feel confident and positive on their outlook of life. I will make education something fun and interesting for all and help spark a bright future for each and every student. I am all about the children and I will make that known in my classroom. Every child will have a place, and I will strive to be the best educator I can be.

Educational philosophies are very important in the teaching world. This is a chance for the teachers to express how they feel about education and becoming a teacher altogether. One’s philosophy will reflect one’s pedagogy, I believe, because it is almost like a guideline for teachers. I feel that a lot of teachers teach, or try to teach, to their philosophy. I believe that most teachers want the best for their students and by having that guideline to reflect on, they can help to make a better classroom. As a future educator, I plan to look onto my educational philosophy for a guideline to creating my class. I believe that teachers should have a deep and meaningful philosophy so that they can become a great, affective teacher. I feel that one who does not have their heart and soul into this career, cannot become as affective as one who does.

Having an educational philosophy is very important to me. I believe that it can show the heart and soul that many meaningful teachers have for this career. Not only will I be able to have a guideline to starting my career, but I will also be able to express my love for children and education. I believe that teachers will only continue to grow and that having the philosophy will only help them to strive to be the best they can be. I hope that I can grow into a great and affective teacher and make my educational philosophy true. I will make sure to strive to be the best and make sure that all of my students needs are met, as well as making them feel comfortable and respected in my classroom.

As an educator it is important to have guidelines to set for your class. Every child is different and I feel that every teacher needs to realize that. Children will learn at different speeds, will have different needs, and many, very different backgrounds. It is important for me to help create a classroom that will help all of my students grow and succeed. I can’t stress it enough that I want all of my students to feel accepted in my class. I want to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn and I want to make sure that the educational experience is a positive one. This is what I feel all teachers should be striving for. Teaching isn’t just to get these kids to move on from year to year, it’s to actually make sure that these students are growing and learning to their potential. It’s to help these students form a positive lifestyle and become the best they can be. I feel like good teachers are the ones who have a deeper meaning for education and that those are the teachers who belong in the field.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Journal # 2

When it comes to school funding’s, I think NY lacks a lot. Many schools seem to be suffering with their budgets which have caused an increased number in layoffs and cut backs. I believe this is a big issue and it is only going to get worse if something isn’t done. I remember growing up and hearing about all of these voting’s and budgets being passed, but I never really cared too much to figure out what it meant. Now that I am going to be a teacher I am realizing that these budgets are not always good news. My elementary school actually just underwent a huge change as well due to finical issues and state funding. We used to have two in my district and this year they decided to cut back and combined the schools. One elementary is universal prek-2nd grade and the other one is 3rd grade-5th grade. This was to help save money and cut back on transportation cost as well as a few teachers. It was a big choice to make and it is so weird to see this happening, but my elementary schools lacks the funds that they need as well.

This isn’t only affecting my area, its affecting everywhere. I feel that schools don’t get much support from the government and that makes things very difficult. I didn’t realize how much money was needed to run a school until I started taking my education courses and learning about these situations. So much finance is needed and if the school cannot receive it, or raise it, then they cannot function. With that being said taxes are going up and they are going to continue to go up so that schools can stay in action. For the people who live in these areas, they are going to be forking more money over every year to help these schools. This is going to affect me someday because I will eventually have my own house and have to pay taxes. The scary thing about this is that, they may be ten times higher when it’s my time to start the process.
As an educator this means so much to me. When schools can’t make budgets, layoffs start to occur. As a future teacher that is something that I should be fully considered about. That is my career that will be on the line and that is something huge. Budgets play such a huge role for teachers and I believe that a lot of people don’t really take the time to understand that. My salary, my job, my life could all be gone within a day if the school that I am working for decides they can’t afford to stay open. In many cases too, the newer teachers who haven’t received tenure yet are the ones to go. That is scary to think about and it makes me very nervous for my future. These issues with money and funding are just going to keep increasing the more this state and country goes into debt. I just hope that when I become and educator, something more is done to help these schools stay open. It is truly sad to see how many schools need to close or even rearrange (combine) just so they can stay open.

I believe that right now these issues are going to continue to be hard. I feel like it is going to take more than a couple of years to get these issues straightened out. School budgets are tough to come by, especially when they need so much money and people living in those districts aren’t for their taxes rising. I know that I would be voting against my taxes rising if a school board wanted to higher them, especially if I was living where my mother and I live today. I just feel like so many issues schools have and are still facing is based around budgets. As a future teacher I know that this will be one of my concerns and it will affect my everyday life. If I ever happened to be a teacher that needed to be laid off this very well could affect my teaching ability for my last few days. However, I would try my hardest to make sure that I stay professional for my student’s sake.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Journal # 1

I believe that the Media has such a huge impact on today’s society.  It doesn’t matter whether its movies, a TV show, radio stations, books, or even the internet, each leaves their own impact. The media plays such a big part in every person’s life including mine. Because of the media I have learned about issues that are occurring in my country as well as other countries. However, not everything that the media says is true and this is where issues may start to occur. No matter what, the media is one of the main sources to receiving information and people are going to continue to follow the information that is released. It doesn’t matter whether or not what is said is true, the media has been doing this for years and people are always going to feed into it.

For me, the media has always been a way to receive information. Because of this, I have learned that many things that are said may be a lie. I have also learned about so many things that I may not have if it wasn’t for the media. I also believe that the media, in a way, has helped to shape me as a citizen today because of the information released. The media has such a high standard and for many people it is hard to live up to, including myself. This helps to mold people into who they are today, especially when it comes to women and their weight. For this, I believe that the media has a huge part in peoples personal growth and development throughout their life.
As a future teacher I also believe the media affects all of us. Teaching is a tough job with a lot of responsibilities. The media is always talking about teachers, especially if it’s something bad such as a teacher and a younger student involving in a relationship and such.  Because so many people rely on the media for information, many people hear all of the stories and issues that teachers may face. However, some issues may be left hidden in which many people don’t get the opportunity to hear the truth. As an educator, I believe that it is important to keep a positive mind set. The media is going to talk up what they want, even if it is a lie, and nothing is going to change that. I believe that many people feel teachers shouldn’t receive tenure, or even get paid the salary that they do, and in most cases the media will take this an run with it. As a future educator, it is important to just ignore remarks people may make. However, when positive and correct things are portrayed, it is important to embrace them.
Teachers need to be professional and keep their personal views to themselves. Teachers need to be open to every child in the classroom regardless of what is wrong with them. Children are different and it doesn’t matter what the media may say, each child is special in his/her own way. The media has a lot to say about disabled children. Some things are good and others, not so much. I believe that as a future teacher it is very important to keep all personal views at home. Children with disabilities are just as capable as a child without a disability and they have just as much potential. This is when I believe teachers need to block out what the media has said or portrayed, and continue to carry on in a professional manor. I believe that teachers can only be effective if they are open to every child in the class. This means, teachers need to be professional and open even if the media says otherwise.