Friday, January 25, 2013

Journal # 1

I believe that the Media has such a huge impact on today’s society.  It doesn’t matter whether its movies, a TV show, radio stations, books, or even the internet, each leaves their own impact. The media plays such a big part in every person’s life including mine. Because of the media I have learned about issues that are occurring in my country as well as other countries. However, not everything that the media says is true and this is where issues may start to occur. No matter what, the media is one of the main sources to receiving information and people are going to continue to follow the information that is released. It doesn’t matter whether or not what is said is true, the media has been doing this for years and people are always going to feed into it.

For me, the media has always been a way to receive information. Because of this, I have learned that many things that are said may be a lie. I have also learned about so many things that I may not have if it wasn’t for the media. I also believe that the media, in a way, has helped to shape me as a citizen today because of the information released. The media has such a high standard and for many people it is hard to live up to, including myself. This helps to mold people into who they are today, especially when it comes to women and their weight. For this, I believe that the media has a huge part in peoples personal growth and development throughout their life.
As a future teacher I also believe the media affects all of us. Teaching is a tough job with a lot of responsibilities. The media is always talking about teachers, especially if it’s something bad such as a teacher and a younger student involving in a relationship and such.  Because so many people rely on the media for information, many people hear all of the stories and issues that teachers may face. However, some issues may be left hidden in which many people don’t get the opportunity to hear the truth. As an educator, I believe that it is important to keep a positive mind set. The media is going to talk up what they want, even if it is a lie, and nothing is going to change that. I believe that many people feel teachers shouldn’t receive tenure, or even get paid the salary that they do, and in most cases the media will take this an run with it. As a future educator, it is important to just ignore remarks people may make. However, when positive and correct things are portrayed, it is important to embrace them.
Teachers need to be professional and keep their personal views to themselves. Teachers need to be open to every child in the classroom regardless of what is wrong with them. Children are different and it doesn’t matter what the media may say, each child is special in his/her own way. The media has a lot to say about disabled children. Some things are good and others, not so much. I believe that as a future teacher it is very important to keep all personal views at home. Children with disabilities are just as capable as a child without a disability and they have just as much potential. This is when I believe teachers need to block out what the media has said or portrayed, and continue to carry on in a professional manor. I believe that teachers can only be effective if they are open to every child in the class. This means, teachers need to be professional and open even if the media says otherwise.

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